Emily Hogarth is an Edinburgh based mother of two with the most beautiful home grown business. She is the only person I have ever seen do intricate and personalised paper cutting for anything from weddings and anniversaries, through to mementos for big events or adventures. We are thrilled to team up with her for a (virtual!) chat and to find out more about her and her gorgeous business.

When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I always wanted to be an artist which was pretty lucky - but i did want to be a historian for a while (i liked reading in old libraries) but it was always drawing that i really loved.
When did you decide to take the plunge or set up your business?
It developed pretty naturally. I left art college and started freelancing and every year it got a little bigger until i found myself paper cutting full time.
What’s the best thing about your line of work? And what is the worst?
Best thing is getting to draw and create work that makes me and my customers happy - i really love what i do. The worst part is juggling it with family life - often i work until late into the night.
What has been the most surprising paper cutting request you have ever received?
I have had quite a few odd requests over the years from designs for deodorant bottles to pieces marking family pets. I am always suprsied when i get emails from large corporate companies asking me to work with them - happy surprised i might add.
When you don’t have a house full of kids, and you aren’t working, what do you like to do?
i love to take our dog out for a walk, love cooking and pottering about in my kitchen and i really enjoy escaping to a cafe for a quiet coffee on my own, now this doesn’t happen too often but i savour it when it does!
If you could have any super power, what would it be?
oh i would love to be able to freeze time so i can get more done in my day (think most busy mums would like this superpower!)
And to finish, here are a few quick fire Q&A type questions!
Early bird or night owl? Night owl
Tea or coffee? Tea
The Bourne Trilogy or Love Actually? Love actually
Beach barbecue or Sunday roast? sunday roast
TV dinner or breakfast in bed? breakfast in bed
Brisk walk or perusing the papers? both if i have 5 mins - but brisk walk usually wins!
Sweet or savoury? savoury always
See more from Emily Hogarth at www.emilyhogarth.com.